Photo by Tom Hermans

Here are some recommendations of books and blogs that shed a light on sustainability within the fashion industry.


Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion - and the Future of Clothes

By Dana Thomas

This book shows the reader how fast fashion garments are produced, and how these processes are damaging out planet. 

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The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good

By Elizabeth L. Cline

This book is a guide to building your sustainable closet, and provides alternative ways to look great without supporting fast fashion or unsustainable businesses.

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To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World?

By Lucy Siegle

This book showcases the inhumane and unethical practices behind the clothes we wear everyday, and how cheap fashion is destroying our environment.

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A Life Less Throwaway: The Lost Art of Buying for Life

By Tara Button

This book is a guide on how to make fulfilling and meaningful purchases that will last a lifetime, while resisting cheaply and unsustainably made goods.

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Sustainably Chic

This is a blog that showcases how fashion can exist responsibly, with a focus on fashion, green beauty, and eco lifestyle. 

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The Honest Consumer Blog

This is a blog that focuses on ethical fashion, sustainable living, mental health, non-toxic living, low waste lifestyle and more.

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Forage and Sustain

This is a blog that focuses on sustainable efforts that are making a positive change. This includes ethics, local economies, sustainable manufacturing, and circularity.

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Eco Warrior Princess

This is a media platform that is redefining our perceptions of sustainability within many sectors, including beauty, fashion, wellness, feminism, and green technology.

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Photo by Brett Jordan