Over 80 billion new pieces of clothing are consumed every year.
Photo by Francois Le Nguyen
Who We Are
Fashion Forever is a sustainable fashion awareness platform dedicated to showcasing the harmful effects fashion has on our planet. With the fashion industry being the second largest global polluter- only surpassed by the oil industry, the clothes we wear are largely produced unsustainably and are harmful to our natural environment. Fashion Forever will help you find ways to become a more sustainable shopper, striving to protect factory workers and the environment globally. 
Tips & Tricks to Live Sustainably

Photo by Maria Lupan

Check out our comprehensive list of ways to incorporate sustainability into your own life, including fun activities and small changes to your purchasing habits.

Eco Shops

Photo by We Love Barcelona

From shopping through eco-conscious brands to preventing your clothes from going to landfill, there are many ways to fashionably live sustainably and support local businesses.

Books & Blogs

Photo by Laura Chouette

Discover our book and blog recommendations surrounding topics based in fashion and sustainability.


Photo by Duane Mendes

Learn about our upcoming events and workshops where you can have a hands-on experience creating sustainable fashion.

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Photo by Brett Jordan